Monday, September 17, 2012

Nutritional Yeast - Finding the Best Brand (Product Review Part 2)

I discovered nutritional yeast and it took over my life. I avoided trying it for so long because it sounded gross, but once I tried it, I was hooked.

<< See: Part 1 What is Nutritional Yeast?

It didn't take me long to realize there is quite a difference between brands. Obviously it isn't sold at all grocery stores, and I didn't want to go to the trouble of ordering it online, so I set out to find the best that I could find sold locally in Calgary / Canadian grocery stores.

I'm sure most health food stores will carry the product, but I tracked down four types sold near me: unidentified brand from Bulk Bin, Red Star brand from Community Natural Foods, Purely Bulk from Superstore, and Bob's Red Mill from Superstore.


I've been able to find four different brands of nutritional yeast at my local grocery stores.
From left to right:
1. Generic (unidentified brand from Bulk Barn... the clerks didn't know)
2. Red Star (from bulk bin at Community Natural Foods)
3. Purely Bulk 
4. Bob's Red Mill

1. Bulk Barn Generic  2. Red Star  3. Purely Bulk  4. Bob's Red Mill


Nutritional yeast comes in sizes ranging from large flakes to fine powder. I tend to prefer larger flakes because of the texture when sprinkled onto salads and popcorn. If you're cooking it (such as into pasta or sauces) it doesn't matter. But I definitely tend to use it sprinkled into food more often and I find that I enjoy the texture of the larger flakes.

Generic / Red Star (bulk from Community Natural Foods) - Both the bulk products were fairly powdery -- probably from getting knocked around when getting put into the bulk bins and subsequently getting scooped out again.
Bulk Barn sample (flake size fairly similar to Red Star brand, not pictured)

Purely Bulk had the largest flake size. Like I said, I put this into my salad, and I definitely like it better as a large flake due to the texture than just as a powder.
Purely Bulk - largest flakes

Bob's Red Mill had a medium flake size compared to the other contenders (although its packaging does say that it is 'large' flakes).
Bob's Red Mill - medium flakes


Most the products are pretty comparable in nutrition. This stuff is seriously a nutritional powerhouse.

From the Bob's Red Mill label (per 1/4 cup or 12g serving):
  • Calories 50kcal
  • Protein 6g
  • Carbohydrate 5g
  • Fiber 3g
  • Fat 0.5g
  • Sodium 0mg

Bob's Red Mill Nutritional Info

Awesome right? Low-cal, high-protein, high-fiber. Also suitable for certain diets: sodium free, gluten free.

I did notice that some brands online highlight that their product have been fortified with vitamin b12, which is a common deficiency of many vegetarians and vegans.

I couldn't get any info on the bulk products, but it appears that Purely Bulk is not fortified, while Bob's Red Mill is fortified. There is 7mcg of vitamin B12 per 1/4 cup (12g) of Bob's Red Mill. To put things into perspective, the RDA for vitamin b12 is 2.4mcg for most adults. But do take note that this stuff is naturally high in all vitamin B's anyway -- you're probably getting too much vitamin B if you're eating this on a regular basis.

That being said, vitamin B is a water-soluble vitamin and luckily does not deposit in the fat. You end up just urinating it out. Studies have also found that higher doses of vitamin b12 do not seem to be toxic. Sure. I found this out the hard entertaining way: my pee was bright neon yellow and I remember learning in school that vitamin B makes your pee that color. Anyway, don't be alarmed at the bright yellow pee. Just stay well-hydrated, and eat your nooch in moderation.


1. Bulk Barn  - $1.99 per 100g
2. Red Star (bulk from Community Natural Foods)  - $2.99 per 100g
3. Purely Bulk - $6.99/180g = $3.88 per 100g
4. Bob's Red Mill - $8.25/226g = $3.76 per 100g

The cheapest was the Bulk Barn variety at only $2 per 100g, with Purely Bulk as the priciest still only at $3.88 per 100g. Not a big price leap either way, but I guess if you are eating as much of this stuff as I am, it is good to know.


This was fun - to try all four types side-by-side. On their own, they all taste OK for the most part*. Cheesy, nutty flavor from all of them. But when you have them next to each other, you can really tell the difference.

1. Bulk Barn - This was by far the worst nutritional yeast ever because it tasted like bulk bins: it tasted like a mix of all the seasonings and spices stored adjacent to the nooch at the store. Gross. Not sure what brand this was, but I feel like the low turnover of this kind of product at a place like Bulk Barn (as compared to a health food store) surely didn't help.

2. Community Natural Foods  - This was my second favorite. Nutty, cheesy, just the way you want it to taste.

3. Purely Bulk - By far the best flavor. Lots of nutty flavor. Lots of umami flavor. Cheesy, nutty, delicious. Awesome!

4.  Bob's Red Mill - Sour. What the heck? I was really hoping to like this one since I am usually a huge fan of their products. But it literally tasted a bit sour and not cheesy at all. Maybe I'd gotten a bad batch?! The package said that it was best stored in the fridge/freezer.. but really, all of these products were purchased from the store at room temperature. This product was only marginally better than the Bulk Barn one, sadly.



Best: Purely Bulk
Worst: Bulk Barn

Purely Bulk
  • Best flavor by far. Lots of umami flavor and absolutely delicious. I could (and do..) eat it by the spoonful.
  • Nice large flakes.
  • Nutritionals: comparable to other nooch. I didn't need it to be fortified with vitamin B12, and it wasn't. Vegetarians/vegans might want/need that in their nooch, but I'm good without the add-in.
  • Most expensive of the lot. But a tub of the stuff (180g) lasts me long enough and is certainly worth it.

Nutritional Yeast - What is it? (Product Review Part 1)

Nutritional Yeast. Neither of those words sound appealing nor appetizing. It sounds at best maybe like something you would add to your plant feed.

It took me a really long time to try nutritional yeast for the first time. I'd seen many health food bloggers mention it before and use it regularly in their diets. But whenever I was at the grocery store, I felt it was hard to commit to spending $8 on a large tub of the stuff that could very well make me want to vomit... (don't worry, it was much the opposite).

One day I saw it at my local health food store in the bulk bin. I was hooked instantly -- I bought a small bag of it and started putting it into different foods, and the rest is history. From that point on, I've been buying it as a staple; it shows up on my shopping list just as regularly as milk and eggs. :)

Since the first time I tried it, I have been on a mission to find the best nutritional yeast available.

What is it?
Also known as "nooch", nutritional yeast is a type of dried and deactivated yeast that is commonly used as seasoning or condiment ingredient in vegan and vegetarian diets. It has a cheesy and nutty taste, with plenty of umami flavor. It is typically sold as flakes or as fine powder and can easily be used as a straight seasoning (eg. on salads or popcorn), or cooked into food to impart a cheesy flavor to certain dishes (eg. pasta, casseroles).

The strain of yeast cultured to make nutritional yeast is usually Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The sample is cultured for several days in a sugar-based medium such as cane sugar or beet molasses. The yeast is then heated to pasteurize the product and dried to create the flaky / powdery product that is sold in grocery stores.

Delicious large-flake nutritional yeast

Nutritional Information
Nutritional yeast is naturally low in calories, low in fat, high in fiber, and high in protein. There are about 10-15 calories per tablespoon (depending on whether you buy flakes or powder). This makes it a great supplement for individuals who are watching their calories but looking to get in some extra fiber and protein. Some nutritional yeast products with also be additionally fortified with vitamin B12 which is a common deficiency among vegetarians and vegans.

Side note: if you eat too much vitamin B12, your body will pass a lot of it in your urine as vitamin B is a water-soluble vitamin. It turns your urine bright yellow, so if you're wondering why your pee is more yellow than usual.... consider yourself warned.

Nutritional Info from Purely Bulk package

Nutritional Info from Bob's Red Mill package

Uses of Nutritional Yeast
Because of its nutty and cheesy flavor, nutritional yeast is often used as a substitute or partial substitute in place of cheese for vegetarian/vegan version of certain recipes. For instance, it can be used to make cheese sauces for pasta dishes.

My favorite way to use nutritional yeast is still the most basic -- I really enjoy sprinkling it straight onto salads and popcorn. Sometimes I will mix nutritional yeast with garlic powder and a pinch of salt to give it additional flavor and then put it on my salads.... and that tastes delicious too.

.. and then sometimes, sometimes, I just eat it straight from the container with a spoon. Because I like it just that much. :)

See: Part 2 for my comparative product review.